Pithy Musings Episode 14: “My body saved my life” with Casey Berglund

In a world thick with overwhelm, burnout, depression, pain, trauma and war, is it possible to stop coping through addictive habits and shift consciousness through deeper connection to one’s body?

According to Casey Berglund, Founder of Worthy and Well, and creator of the Let Your Body Lead TEDx Talk, embodiment practices offer essential pathways to transition from disembodiment to unveiling inner genius, purpose, and positive possibilities for people – and the world. Leaders, entrepreneurs, humans of all kinds are capable of tuning into this inner wisdom and way of living and leading. The impact? Profound.

What’s the secret code? “You need to love it (your body) for it to guide you,” says Casey.

Learn why leaning into embodiment matters through Casey’s own very personal and candid journey to today. Begin to discover what’s possible for your own way of living through this soul- and heart-centred exploration.

Join Caroline Berglund, Casey Berglund and I for Episode 14: “My body saved my life” to learn why love for our bodies is not only central to embodiment, but how to begin leading with it.

On YouTube (click subscribe for future episodes!) and Spotify! Share comments, questions, we’d love to hear what sparks for you!

Until next time, stay pithy and keep musing!

With love and a whole lot of fervor,


Pithy Musings Episode 13: “Call people in, not out,” a courageous conversation on DEI with Dionn Schaffner

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is on the minds of countless people who experience pain because of attacks, microaggressions and bias, and those who want to contribute to much-needed, positive change.

It’s a complex topic that brings about all sorts of behaviours. Some avoid it, others lean into it with courage and empathy, and others fight it with aggression.

For those exploring, “what’s my role in DEI?”, this Pithy Musings episode is for you. Whether at work, or as a human in your community, we can learn and contribute to moving DEI forward. With countless resources to contribute to a much-needed evolution in DEI, where do we begin?

Join my co-host Caroline Berglund and I for this powerful conversation with deeply knowledgeable and committed leader in DEI, Dionn Schaffner, Chief Diversity Officer of Aurea Software. Dionn brings a dynamic, kind, informed voice to unpacking DEI, what it means, actions that support each dimension. She helps us to understand what it means to “call people out vs in”. She also offers an informed model that can be used by leaders in organizations, as well as each of us as humans in everyday life to live into.

It’s an action-packed episode, well worth investing precious time to learn with.

Join us for this courageous conversation on the Pithy Musings YouTube and Spotify channels.

Subscribe or follow to be sure you don’t miss future episodes!

Until next time, stay pithy and keep musing!

With love and fervor (of course),


Pithy Musings Episode 12: What we don’t understand about trauma and need to.

There are countless assumptions and much confusion about what constitutes trauma. By the time we come to be adults, many of us (more than we may realize) have been impacted by trauma in our lifetimes. Trauma may ensue later in life too. The pandemic is a trauma in and of itself.

With new curiosity about trauma, Pithy Musers Caroline Berglund and Eva Van Krugel, PCC, CPQC, CEC wanted to understand more about it, ways in which it impacts humanity, and where to begin tending to it.

What is it about trauma that joins or separates us? And what can we do to heal ourselves and offer support to others?

Join us for one of the most complex topics explored with expert and trauma-informed counsellor and facilitator, Kirsten Moline (she/her) BSW, RSW for episode 12, “What we don’t understand about trauma and need to”. Kirsten walks through the kinds of trauma that exist, how it shows up in us and offers generous resources for those interested to begin to heal. She also shares ways we can support others who may exhibit signs of trauma.

These episodes are created on purpose, to help the human condition to be a better experience as individuals, and together. So may you stay pithy and keep musing, and subscribe to the Pithy Musings YouTube Channel for future episodes!

Yours, with fervor,


Pithy Musings Episode 11: Cancel Culture – what are we doing to each other?

Canceling people out of professional and social circles is on the rise and accelerating with social media. As we embark on a New Year, let’s ask some important questions.

When does canceling someone out make sense? Or, does it ever make sense? How do we know when is it toxic, divisive and it’s gone too far? How can those with power, use it for good, for progress? What are our individual roles to grow beyond cancel culture?

In Pithy Musings Episode #11, ‘Cancel Culture: What Are We Doing to Each Other’Caroline Berglund and I explore these questions and more with our very welcome guest, Dr. Robin Buckley (she/her). Dr. Buckley is an author, speaker, and cognitive behavioural coach of Insights Group Psychological & Coaching Services. Together we share curiosity and insights, as well as key points from Arianna Huffington, Red Table Talks with the Estafans, and others.

2022 gets even pithier with guests on various real, raw, relevant subject matter that help advance the human condition.

Stay pithy and keep musing, and subscribe to the Pithy Musings YouTube Channel for future episodes!

Yours, with fervor,


Pithy Musings Episode 10: Body image – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

So many of us are self-deprecating. It starts young, and into the decades. Many of us focus on an ideal self and it often results in a detrimental comparison to others and images of what we are not, versus accepting ourselves just as we are. Lack of acceptance of self is hurting psychological well-being, relationships and perceived opportunities in the world.

Positive, neutral and negative body confidence is a spectrum influenced by circumstances and influences. The barrage of effects that sometimes hurt us include role models growing up, airbrushed models in magazines and marketing, social media app filters. Body image is also impacted in the pandemic, ageing, and cultural influences.

The volume is going up in two opposing directions – obsession with cosmetic surgery and enhancements, to mixed body shapes, sizes, diverse gender identities in retail clothing ads (latter being a refreshing change, we believe).

What are our roles in being kinder to ourselves and others to stop the hard body image influences and inner conversations that take us down? What will it take to get to a place where we can say “I’m okay as I am”?

Join Caroline Berglund and I for this passionate exploration – Episode 10, created on purpose – to help you put the “funk” back into your own humanity, community, and at work.

A shout out to the great work and wisdom of Kelli Jean Drinkwater, Tracy Tylka and Niva Piran, who are enabling healthier body image progress.

Subscribe to Pithy Musings’ YouTube Channel to stay connected with curious, contrarian musings on real, raw, relevant subjects!

Stay pithy, keep musing! 

With fervor,


Pithy Musings Episode 9: Why friendship makes us better humans.

“Love who you are when you’re with people” – a friend once said.

Friendship enables belonging, a primal, fundamental human need. When we belong, we access parts of ourselves enabling us to survive and thrive despite crisis, uncertainty and change.

Friendships teach us about who we are, what we’re capable of, and a safe place to be seen, heard and understood.

Friendships also change. The pandemic has most certainly taught us this.

What can be learned in those shifts that makes us better humans in our lives, and at work?

Both Caroline Berglund and I explore it all in Pithy Musings Episode 9, “Why friendship makes us better humans”.

Special thanks to friends and family who inspired some of our content, and community near and far that enable sense of connection each day.

Pithy Musings is created – on purpose – to help you put the “funk” back into your own humanity, community, and at work.

Episode #9 is here! For future episodes, subscribe to the Pithy Musings YouTube Channel!

Stay pithy, keep musing, and may you live and lead with fervor!


Photo credit: Olya Kobruseva


Pithy Musings Episode 8: Is the imposter experience a real thing?

Imposters here, there and everywhere! Why do so many of us experience moments of self-doubt through to profound lack of confidence resulting in a constant need for perfection, achievement and external validation?

Imposter Syndrome isn’t an illness, yet it is a pervasive experience that transcends gender identity, and people across the globe experience it. It impacts our sense of belonging, self-worth, relationships and impact in the world. As humans, it hurts us, and sometimes in relationships, in performance at work, and out there in the world we may or may not be aware of.

Join us for Episode 8 of Pithy Musings, “Is the imposter experience a real thing?”. We explore what it is, own experiences with it, and ideas to tame the inner judge, critic, monster, gremlin, you name it. We share ideas from Brené Brown, Dr. Valerie Young, Tara Mohr, Rick Carson, Amy Cuddy, and others.

Insights, stories (sometimes random!), laughter! We’ve thrown it all into this one! Join the conversation on a shared human experience so many relate with, and can progress from.

Pithy Musings is created – on purpose – to help you put the “funk” back into your own humanity, community, and at work.

Episode #8 is here! Don’t forget to subscribe to the Pithy Musings YouTube Channel for future episodes and follow our funk ‘n disco Spotify playlist.

Stay pithy, keep musing, and may you live and lead with fervor!


Pithy Musings Episode 7: Why Feedback Rocks!

What comes to mind when you hear the question, “Can I give you feedback?” You’re likely bracing yourself for impact!

Join us for Pithy Musings episode #7, “Why Feedback Rocks” where Fervor’s friend and pithy partner Caroline Berglund of Talk Talk and I, Eva Van Krugel dispel the myth, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. We discuss the need to speak up in real time, with continuous quality feedback. Feedback isn’t about “brutal” honesty but with the right growth mindset and kind intent both giver and receiver can experience feedback as a gift. We get pithy with our own examples of successes and blunders and what we learned from both.

Hey, these episodes aren’t just about musings! We offer real world techniques, top tips and inspiration for our viewers to implement at home, at work and within community. Need help giving or receiving feedback, perhaps both? This episode is for you!

Pithy Musings is created – on purpose – to help you put the “funk” back into your own humanity, community, and at work.

Episode #7 is here!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Pithy Musings YouTube Channel for future episodes and follow our funk ‘n disco Spotify playlist.

Stay pithy, keep musing, and may you live and lead with fervor!


Photo credit: Adam Jang

Pithy Musings Episode 6: Why are we afraid of conflict?

Get ready to rumble with Pithy Musing’s Episode 6, “Why are we afraid of conflict?” hot off the digital airwaves.

Join Fervor’s friend and pithy partner Caroline Berglund of Talk Talk and I, Eva Van Krugel, as we muse on why healthy conflict vs the opposite is important, and possible.

  • We get gritty and share our own experiences with conflict at work, in our personal lives, and even with each other;
  • We offer top tips for self awareness and skilling up in this brave area because we believe making conflict healthier starts with ourselves; and,
  • Inspiration includes Gottman’s Four Horsemen, Lencioni’s Pyramid, Karpman’s Drama Triangle, DiSC, DE&I and more.

Episode 6 is here!

And… We’re now opening Pithy Musings up to guests! Listen to Episode 6 to find out how to join us!

Don’t miss a beat, subscribe to Pithy Musings‘ YouTube channel and follow our funk ‘n disco Spotify playlist.

Stay pithy, keep musing, and may you live and lead with fervor!


Pithy Musings Episode 5: We are all creative, curious beings. Or are we?

What does Grandmaster Flash, a piano and children have to do with creativity and curiosity? Tune into Pithy Musings Episode 5 to find out!

Some of us think we’re creative, some don’t. Some think of creativity in traditional ways, while others consider it a top skill for the future. And, others don’t feel they don’t belong when they’re asked about their creativity. Caroline Berglund of Talk Talk and I of Fervor Leadership Coaching and Consulting fundamentally believe we need to examine our limiting beliefs about creativity for a more sustainable future as humans, in industry, community, for the environment, and other living beings.

Episode 5 – “We are all creative, curious beings. Or are we?” is here.

We thank creative contributors: Peter Bagwell, Amie Uitvlugt, Jack Adamson, David E. Marlow, Nuala Gage, Kevin McEachern, Trapper Edison, Jenn Maer, Linda Rogers, Rick Van Krugel, Cydane Morgan, and many more.

Want to win a Pithy Musings mug? Listen to the full episode for your cue to win.

Subscribe to Pithy Musings on YouTube. Follow our playlist on Spotify to funk it up! And do stay pithy, and keep musing!

Yours with fervor,
