Emotions at Work: What Are They Telling Us?

Crying at work happens. I’ve been there in my first career, and thankfully, I’ve had peers and leaders who made space for it without shame. Often, the tears came from frustration, stress, or overwhelm. In the past, I’d leave work, embarrassed. Now, I see tears as information that can sometimes lead to new awareness and […]


Overwhelmed? Relief is Within You.

“I can’t think straight.” “I’m exhausted.” “Little things feel like big things.” “I’m impatient.” “I haven’t eaten all day.” “I’m not doing anything well.” “Sometimes I think I should walk away and open a coffee shop.” Leaders of all levels I’m working with are sharing moments as these, vibrating in overwhelm at times. No surprise. […]


Trauma: It Doesn’t Define Us But Can Inform How We Choose to Live and Lead.

I believe we all come with a story that shapes who we become in the world, consciously or unconsciously. We never know what brought someone to this day, the trials and triumphs, and for so many, trauma. We have tendencies to judge and react to others when they get avoidant, controlling, emotive, or otherwise. What […]


Pithy Musings Episode 15: “Burnout – Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes” with Cher Brasok

In a fatigued world trying to heal from the complexity of the pandemic, trying to find our way for what’s next, there’s suffering. So much of the world is burnt out. There are big costs to humanity, relationships and systems. Burnout is pervasive in so many cultures and subcultures. It’s at times dismissed, rationalized, and […]


Pithy Musings Episode 12: What we don’t understand about trauma and need to.

There are countless assumptions and much confusion about what constitutes trauma. By the time we come to be adults, many of us (more than we may realize) have been impacted by trauma in our lifetimes. Trauma may ensue later in life too. The pandemic is a trauma in and of itself. With new curiosity about […]