Pithy Musings Episode 9: Why friendship makes us better humans.

“Love who you are when you’re with people” – a friend once said.

Friendship enables belonging, a primal, fundamental human need. When we belong, we access parts of ourselves enabling us to survive and thrive despite crisis, uncertainty and change.

Friendships teach us about who we are, what we’re capable of, and a safe place to be seen, heard and understood.

Friendships also change. The pandemic has most certainly taught us this.

What can be learned in those shifts that makes us better humans in our lives, and at work?

Both Caroline Berglund and I explore it all in Pithy Musings Episode 9, “Why friendship makes us better humans”.

Special thanks to friends and family who inspired some of our content, and community near and far that enable sense of connection each day.

Pithy Musings is created – on purpose – to help you put the “funk” back into your own humanity, community, and at work.

Episode #9 is here! For future episodes, subscribe to the Pithy Musings YouTube Channel!

Stay pithy, keep musing, and may you live and lead with fervor!


Photo credit: Olya Kobruseva