Trying Times: Pathways to Healthier Conflict

Have you ever had workplace conflict that left you feeling positively charged, more connected to a co-worker and maybe the work improved too? Conflict happens and when it’s healthy, it can lead to creativity, innovation and strengthened relationships. The reverse is also true, and conflict can take us down dysfunctional, hurtful and unproductive pathways. Sound familiar?

Have a look at thisPath of Conflict. What stands out? For what reasons are you noticing it? Understanding what ignites us, how we respond in ways that are constructive and destructive and honing a focus on areas to develop can make a significant difference in the effectiveness, engagement and trust within a team.

What are your responses within yourself and in relationship to others in conflict? In what ways have you explored your own path to conflict? If now is the time in your leadership and possibly your team to enable more constructive, positive outcomes together and in the work, let’s talk. Owning and leading a healthier path is possible.

Fervor celebrates now offering the Conflict Dynamics Profile from the Mediation Training Institute at Eckerd College, with 360 and individual assessments, debriefing and coaching for leaders and teams.

Let’s connect for a no charge discovery conversation if this sounds relevant for you into 2021 to lead in healthier ways for yourself and others.

Yours with fervor,
