Pithy Musings Episode 7: Why Feedback Rocks!

What comes to mind when you hear the question, “Can I give you feedback?” You’re likely bracing yourself for impact! Join us for Pithy Musings episode #7, “Why Feedback Rocks” where Fervor’s friend and pithy partner Caroline Berglund of Talk Talk and I, Eva Van Krugel dispel the myth, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say […]


Pithy Musings Episode 6: Why are we afraid of conflict?

Get ready to rumble with Pithy Musing’s Episode 6, “Why are we afraid of conflict?” hot off the digital airwaves. Join Fervor’s friend and pithy partner Caroline Berglund of Talk Talk and I, Eva Van Krugel, as we muse on why healthy conflict vs the opposite is important, and possible. We get gritty and share our own […]


Trying Times: Pathways to Healthier Conflict

Have you ever had workplace conflict that left you feeling positively charged, more connected to a co-worker and maybe the work improved too? Conflict happens and when it’s healthy, it can lead to creativity, innovation and strengthened relationships. The reverse is also true, and conflict can take us down dysfunctional, hurtful and unproductive pathways. Sound […]